Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 11; Hammer Time; Semicolon Time

Ever had delicious porridge with a Native Jamaican, who grew up in London and then moved to New Jersey? Well we did; first thing in the morning!

Day 11 was definitely a day. On a scale of 1-infinity, I would probably rate it an 11, cause that's what day number it is.
The amount of the things we did, was one. That thing is called.... everything.
We had ourselves a "work day". (Kayla drew a pineapple, once.)
The work day worked us to the bone. We spent time at the; Joshkrisdan home. We painted walls, cleaned windows, touched up beds, and did so much more. We weren't working alone; all of the children were happy to assist us and stand by our side through thick, thin, and in between thick and thin. Also known as, moderate width.

(Mary just killed a mosquito with her bare hands)

It felt amazing; we watched our progress grow over many hours. It was a feeling of satisfaction when we worked together as a team and were able to see a final result. In the working progress, we got to spend time and bond with some of the kids that we might; not have been able to spend a lot of time with previously. It was awesome to see the kids all stepping up and wanting to help us with everything.

Favorite Memories:

1) We all met a newlywed couple at our hotel, and they invited us to sit with them at dinner. The groom bought us drinks and snacks, and we all talked about our lives.

2) Ms. Havard and Mary introduced double dutch to the kids and taught them some rhymes for jump-roping. The kids all had a blast learning a new skill and they were soon using the jump-ropes without any help.

3) At Claudette's; one of the kittens jumped off of Kayla's face into her bowl of porridge. She continued to feed it the rest of the morning.

4) Julia painted a bathroom; yellow.

5) Ms. Tolfree went to the Pram Pram Clinic and helped Lucy, the midwife, deliver a baby girl!  It was so unbelievably; awesome we all can't believe it.

we're all; fine! ;)

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